Postcrossing is a great way to get in touch with people and to learn/see more about/of the world through postcards. I'd like to share my received postcards and therefore made this blog. I receive many postcards every day and I will try to upload them all!

I received this Irish postcard sent from Finland. Not that I mind, because this is one very pretty view of a castle in Limerick!

Some info:
The history of Limerick dates from about the middle of the ninth century, when the Danes made a settlement here. To-day Limerick is the fourth largest city in Ireland and is well laid out with wide streets and commands an important position on the River Shannon.

source: Postcards

Sounds interesting and kind of makes me want to go there.

Thanks Riikkaliisa for this very nice card !!


Distance: 1,629 km (1,012 miles)
Travel time: 6 days

1 Response so far.

  1. Limerick! Castle! Ireland!! Annie equals jealousy at the moment :)

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